Design your own “live” game and send us instructions, photos, map or
whatever you would like to share with candidate players who are going to live it!
Don’t search
for a specific form. Let your imagination free and design your game as simple
or complex you want, with few or many elements, with small or big degree of difficulty.
A game for any place of your town you can imagine and it can offer material for
knowledge through creativity and innovation!
An old town
with historical or cultural spots, a Museum with various exhibits, an
archaeological site even with few findings can offer you plenty of material for
your own game!
After gathering
your material, we will be glad to receive it by e-mail at
with a short cv, photo of your face (if you want to be published) and your
e-mail address. By this way you can receive players’ feedback to whom you gave the
unique opportunity to “live” a game!
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